- From: Jeanne Spellman <jeanne@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 14:20:55 -0500
- To: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>, public-indie-ui@w3.org
- CC: Jim Allan <jimallan@tsbvi.edu>, Kelly Ford <Kelly.Ford@microsoft.com>
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 recently published their first Last Call Working Draft. The UAWG would appreciate feedback from the Indie-UI WG as we think that UAAG 2.0 covers topics of mutual interest. Since we realize that reviewing specs is not a normal activity of Indie-UI, we have tried to highlight the sections we think are of interest to Indie-UI. The links below are to the Implementing UAAG 2.0 document, as this provides more information than the success criteria. Implementing UAAG 2.0 includes all the information of UAAG 2.0 except for the introductory material and the Conformance section. If you wish to review those, the link to UAAG 2.0 is: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/ While comments are welcome on all sections, we would like to invite Indie-UI to particularly comment on: * 2.7 Preferences section http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20-20131107/#gl-store-prefs * Note for Principle 2 - Operable http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20-20131107/#principle-operable * 2.12 Other Input Devices http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20-20131107/#gl-other-devices Other sections of Principle 2 that may be of interest to Indie-UI are: 2.1 Keyboard access 2.2 Sequential navigation 2.3 Direct navigation and activation 2.5 Structural navigation 2.6 Event handlers 2.11 Time-based media Comments on this working draft are due on or before 16 December 2013. Comments on the draft should be sent to public-uaag2-comments@w3.org Thank you for your interest and time. Jeanne Spellman Staff Contact, UAWG
Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 19:21:08 UTC