We are really stepping on privacy issues be forcing the user to have to
expose the fact they are using a screen reader to be able to use a site.
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 4, 2013, at 1:00 PM, "James Craig" <jcraig@apple.com> wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2013, at 1:43 AM, Jason White <jason@jasonjgw.net> wrote:
> > James Craig <jcraig@apple.com> wrote:
> >> What about adding type tokens, such as "screenreader", "magnifier",
> >
> > Excellent. An AT can support more than one function.
> On second thought, I don't think that will work. Part of the reason for
splitting these up into separate WebIDL dictionaries is to support a
hasFeature() detection method similar to DOMImplementation.hasFeature().
> Just to make sure you're seeing the entire WebIDL blocks, you should be
viewing the editor's drafts in a JavaScript enabled browser.
> So for this existing WebIDL dictionary…
> dictionary ScreenReaderSettings {
> boolean? screenReaderActive = null;
> DOMString? screenReaderName = null;
> DOMString? screenReaderVersion = null;
> };
> …an author could do something like this: (Specific syntax TBD)
> if (window.settings.hasFeature('ScreenReaderSettings')) {
> var isScreenReaderActive = window.settings.valueForKey
> }
> I think we'd want to set up a different *feature* altogether for
'MagnifierSettings' to standardize properties like zoom level, zoom window
size, center point, etc.