Web Events, Pointer Events and IndieUI

Hi All,

As you may know, a new Pointer Events WG has been proposed to the W3C 
membership [PE-Charter]. The Web Events WG welcomes this new work and 
when we discussed it during our September 25 call [Mins], we recorded 
the following resolutions (embellished to add some context) that are 
relevant to the Web Events group and the IndieUI TF:

1. Assuming the Pointer Events WG is created, the Web Events WG will 
stop work on Touch Events v2. (Note: in essence, the WG considers 
Pointer Events as the evolution of Touch Events thus the group will do 
no additional work on Touch Events beyond Touch Events v1.)

2. After the Touch Events v1 Recommendation is published, the Web Events 
WG will close. (Note: we are working towards a TEv1 Recommendation by 
the end of 2012. The spec is currently in CR and we are relatively close 
to having a complete test suite and sufficient implementations to exit CR.)

We also discussed what these resolutions mean for the Indie UI Task 
Force. Doug and I agreed that if anyone in the Web Events WG wants to 
continue to participate in the IndieUI work, they can simply join that 
IndieUI WG.

If you have any questions, comments, etc. about these resolutions and 
the consequences re IndieUI, please let us know.

-Thanks, AB

[Mins] <http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-webevents-minutes.html>

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2012 16:43:04 UTC