Re: IndieUI Call For Proposals

* Janina Sajka wrote:
>1.)	Indie UI: Events 1.0, an abstraction between device-specific user
>interaction events and inferred user intent such as scroll, activate, etc. This
>provides an intermediate layer between device- and modality-specific user
>interaction events, and the basic user interface functionality used by Web
>applications. Indie UI: Events focuses on granular user interface interactions
>such as scrolling the view, canceling an action, changing the value of a user
>input widget, selecting a range, placing focus on an object, etc.  Implementing
>platforms will take modality-specific user input, user idiosyncratic heuristics
>to determine the specific corresponding Indie UI event, and send that to the
>Web application (along with details of the modality-specific input such as
>mouse or keyboard events should applications wish to process it).

Some web sites like to redefine what certain keyboard inputs do, for in-
stance, backspace is usually bound to history navigation backwards, but
some sites redirect backspace presses to non-active form fields (Google
Book Search for instance). Similarily, various Etherpad implementations
redefine page up and page down so instead of scrolling by one page, they
place the cursor at the beginning or end of the document. Up and down
sometimes end up selecting list items rather than scrolling. As far as I
am concerned, that's usually bad, especially when poorly implemented (as
example, pressing down might select the next list item, but holding the
key down triggers normal scrolling rather than navigation through all
the list items, as I would expect given what a single press does). Would
"Indie UI: Events 1.0" address this in some form, or is it out of scope?
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
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Received on Sunday, 24 June 2012 02:10:58 UTC