- From: James Craig <jcraig@apple.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 10:39:04 -0700
- To: Independent User Interface Task Force <public-indie-ui@w3.org>
- Message-id: <4C11052D-F9FB-4923-88FE-FD0927850263@apple.com>
Draft minutes for IndieUI teleconference 2012/07/25 http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-indie-ui-minutes.html [NEW] ACTION: barstow follow up with Mozilla re joining the Indie UI TF [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-indie-ui-minutes.html#action02] [NEW] ACTION: cooper to create a TPAC planning page [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01] Admin Update: Repository; Tracker; Work Statement CFC; TPAC JS: need to get the web poll out. <shepazu> regrets from me, I'm in an SVG WG f2f meeting TPAC: reservations advised. AB: good idea to have a TPAC planning page? <scribe> ACTION: cooper to create a TPAC planning page [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-3 - Create a TPAC planning page [on Michael Cooper - due 2012-08-01]. Recruiting Update; Polling for Telecon Time? MC: quorum achieved? members from apple, opera, google JS: art was going to follow up with mozilla. <ArtB> ACTION: barstow follow up with Mozilla re joining the Indie UI TF [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-indie-ui-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-4 - Follow up with Mozilla re joining the Indie UI TF [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-08-01]. AB: have followed up once. will do so again. JS: let's keep the recruiting item open for now to see if we can get another browser manufacturer AH: did the proposal Rich and I submitted make it in? If so, where? ... re: user prefs JS: submitted Sunday the 15th AH: I'll resubmit an updated draft/ <clown> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2012Jul/0019.html JC: we can just add it to the editor's draft. no need for group consensus until we're working on FPWD consensus. JS: don't want to cloud the events module with user prefs. JC: yes, planned to add this to the user context module MC: should get consensus before FPWD, but this is probably fine to integrate now. <clown> http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements#Use_Cases_and_Scenarios Use Cases JS: Any comments on use cases, or should we call the meeting? AB: were most of these added by Rich? JS: Yes MC: Has this gone through the Use Case translation that shepazu (Doug) wanted? <janina> Doug, we're talking use cases? Are you able to join the call for a bit? MC: doesn't look like these have been cleaned up yet, but that Rich worked within Doug's expected format. JS: Move topic to email thread. MC: This should be ongoing through email. There are ~35 use cases here. Perhaps add a survey before next call? JS: survey might be premature, but everyone should review this before next call. http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements#Use_Cases_and_Scenarios JS: What we're aiming for here is active email participation with clarification on the calls MC: proposing that the use cases be discussed individually (?) on the list. JS: Any other business? ... Adjourn. Next meeting in two weeks. Aug 8th.
Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 17:39:31 UTC