Re: Consensus Call re the IndieUI TF Work Statement

One point of clarification inline.

On Jul 10, 2012, at 7:25 PM, Jason White <> wrote:

> Janina Sajka <> wrote:
>> Therefore, this is a call for consensus on this Work Statement. If you
>> have any further tweaks to propose, please do so no later than close of
>> business Boston Time on Wednesday, 18 July.
> I don't wish to propose changes at this point or to disturb consensus, but I
> would like to raise a point of clarification.
> It is plain from the description of IndieUI Events 1.0 that providing an API
> allowing Web applications to query or define the mapping of device-independent
> to device-specific events would be out of scope for the current task force.
> That is, establishing the relationship between "low-level" events and abstract
> events is left entirely to the UA, but Web applications still receive and can
> optionally handle the lower-level events.

…if the web application receives the events, yes. However, there are existing scenarios (primarily with alternative interfaces for assistive technologies) where the web application will never receive the lower-level events and only receive the higher-level IndieUI event. 

> While this seems entirely reasonable to me (at least for version 1.0), I just
> wish to clarify that it is the result of a deliberate decision to confine the
> scope of the specification in this way from the outset, at least for version
> 1.0.

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 02:39:57 UTC