URI for HTML5 Kind values in MP4 files


The ISOBMFF introduced the 'kind' box (see ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015, 
available here 
This 'kind' box can be used to store the 'kind' of a track as defined by 
different standards. For instance, it could be used to store DASH 
Descriptors associated with a track or the HTML 5 'kind' values for 
audio/video/text tracks. In order to tell from a kind value, which 
standard is referred to, the "kind" box stores a pair: schemeUri / value 
(similar to DASH descriptors).

This email is to propose that the HTML standard defines a schemeUri for 
its kind values. I'm sending this request to this list first, as I think 
this probably should be reviewed in the context of the sourcing spec 
first. I propose to define the following schemeURI "urn:w3c:html5:kind".

I have made a set of mp4 files with the different values available here: 
I have also made a test player that parses these mp4 files based on 
MP4Box.js and that creates MSE SourceBuffers, setting the Track Defaults 
with the values from the mp4 file. The demo is here: 
http://download.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/gpac/mp4box.js/. Check the 
"HTML 5 Track Kind" examples. Unfortunately, it is not fully working in 
browsers as no current browser supports the Track Defaults feature, yet. 
I hear also that the feature itself is marked at risk in MSE, which 
would be a problem I think.

Comments, questions are welcome.


Cyril Concolato
Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech

Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2016 15:20:19 UTC