RE: Status of the CG

From: Cyril Concolato []
Sent: 30 October 2014 16:45
Subject: Status of the CG

Dear all,

During some offline discussions at TPAC, some questions were raised
regarding this CG, in particular:
1) Giuseppe cannot be chair anymore, so we need a new chair(s)
2) what are the next steps for this CG.

My thoughts are:
1) The description of CGs indicate that it shall have at least one chair
but that it may have multiple chairs. There does not seem to be a formal
process to decide who chairs a CG. I suggest that people who volunteer
to chair the group do so on the list. Then depending on the number of
candidates either we can either accept the 1 or 2 candidate(s) or cast a
vote if there are 3 or more candidates. I don't expect that last option
to happen though. I volunteer to chair this group if people are ok with

[NM] If folk want this group to continue it really does need a chair. Otherwise we should face that it will stagnate. I'm happy for Cyril to chair - thanks for offering!

2) I think the work of this group is not done for several reasons:
- in my mind the draft can be improved editorially and technically. I've
started filing bugs and will continue.

[NM] Agree - I don't consider myself an expert in all of the details of this group's output document, and more importantly all of the input formats, but my observations from the discussions I've seen suggest that a) there are technical issues that need to be resolved and b) there may be a need to escalate some issues up into HTML, especially if it is impossible to interpret the contents of media files without additional external context metadata.  Stopping now would result in a non-usable document.

- we need to convince browser implementers to review and start
implementing what the draft says. To do that, I think we should be
adding use cases, for instance to the wiki.

[NM] I'd like to see the use cases too. I'm pretty sure there are some, and in time the list will grow. There's a body of existing work from other groups not in W3C to integrate broadcast media playback with various flavours of HTML. It'd be great to head back in the other direction and meet up tidily rather than ending up with two (or more) incompatible worlds.

So, I'm in favor of keeping this group active because:
- it's always good to have a mailing list dedicated for discussions.
Everything should not happen in bugs because people don't look at them.
- The group has been presented in the Web&TV IG and many people seemed
interested to join.
- The Bugzilla only exists because the CG exists.
- The FSA procedure to transfer the spec from the CG to a WG (to produce
REC) needs the CG to exist.

[NM] Is there a proposed WG charter to make this group's output doc a Rec?

[NM] Nigel


Cyril Concolato
Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2014 23:15:10 UTC