In-band tracks CG wiki update

Hi All,

I’ve made several changes to the wiki.

* I’ve simplified (at least I think) the requirements.

* I reorganized the implementation section into two sections: track creation [1] and exposing track metadata [2]. [1] describes needed detail already alluded to in the HTML5 spec, e.g. media resource track order, what constitutes a text track, how to determine track kind and language. [2] describes alternatives for exposing track metadata, which is independent of [1], along with the pros and cons (my take).

* I’ve completed [1] for MPEG-2 TS. If there is agreement that these details need to be specified, are there volunteers to fill in equivalent information for the other media resource formats?

Comments on [2]? I think that the simplest alternative that meets known use cases is the inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType and, therefore, this is my preferred alternative.

Look forward to discussion on this.



Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 16:46:35 UTC