About invitation from immersive-web github organization

   hi all,

   Some of you might have received an invitation to join the immersive-web github organizaion [1]
from github notification. Please accept these invitation, and you will get permissions to
work on immersive-web repositories as WG/CG participants, like assigning yourself to issue(s)
or PR(s), and asking review from someone for raised PR(s).

   This is the same coordination as W3C organization [2], both IWWG and IWCG participants who
link their github account on W3C account page [3] are included in team(s). We've not yet
configured automated management via W3C account system to manage these teams, so newly connected
account(s) will not be added to these teams. Please let me know once if you connected your
github account to W3C account.
   If IWWG nor IWCG is not listed in 'groups' section right below 'Affiliations' in the W3C
account page [4], you are not joined to neither IWWG nor IWCG (even if you are subscribed to
this mail lists!), and will not get these notifications.
   Just for information, permission level per participation level are:
- group chairs: maintain
- group participants: write
- horizontal review members: triage
- immersive-web organization github group member: read (same as non-member?)

   Also there are still many pending invitations for IWWG/IWCG team in W3C organization [2] and
please check also.

   Note, existing privileges for repositories have not revoked.

*1 https://github.com/immersive-web/
*2 https://github.com/w3c/
*3 https://www.w3.org/Systems/db/userInfo and jump to 'Connected accounts' in left menu
*3 https://www.w3.org/Systems/db/userInfo (which will be redirected to https://www.w3.org/users/<userid>)

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 16:48:14 UTC