Chair Actions from Monday Night meeting

Actions actioned:

   - Dean and Ada are the contact points for Spatial Favicons
   <>, and have been made
   repo admins
   - Klaus, Laszlo and Alex are the contract points for DOM Overlays
   <>, and have been made repo
   - I've created the Marker Tracking
   <> Repo with Klaus and
   Alex as the Contact Points & repo admins, it still needs the boilerplate
   files adding to the repo
   - Piotr and Alex are are the contact points for Real World Geometry
   - I've added Lachlan Ford as a contact point for Anchors

These are the actions I had on my list, please let me know if one of those
was incorrect and I can fix it.


Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2020 12:08:07 UTC