Your Help Needed: Immersive Web Weekly

Hello, friends of the immersive web!

If you've attended the previous two calls then you already know that Jordan Santell is generously transferring his newsletter, The Immersive Web Weekly, over to the Immersive Web Community Group. That means that each Tuesday starting next week we'll land in the inboxes of hundreds of people!

The goal of the newsletter is to provide a short selection of news and events from around the immersive web. Our target audience members are existing immersive web users who want to keep up with news and also team leaders who are considering the immersive web for future projects.

I've stepped up to be the editor but *I'm counting on you all* to help me find the right stories!

*How to help:**

Did something of note happen to a person or company working on the immersive web? Let me know!

Is your team shipping a new immersive web tool or feature? Let me know!

Did you find an amazing site or team using WebXR? Let me know!

*How to submit news and events:**

This is an open and transparent process (naturally) and the easiest way to contribute is to comment on each issue's pull request: 

Look for the current newsletter's PR (today that's this one <>) and leave a comment. Each Monday I'll pull together links from the PR and other online sources and then create the newsletter to go out on Tuesday.

If you need more involved editorial support you can also email which goes directly to me.

Let's spread the word about the immersive web!

- Trevor

🌸 Trevor Flowers 
🌸 Principal at Transmutable <>
🌸 Working for the Wider Web <>

Received on Friday, 17 July 2020 00:26:40 UTC