Re: Playstation move controllers

To the best of my knowledge browsers currently only support motion
controllers that are part of an overall WebXR hardware layer including an
output display. See for a community-maintained
list of supported browsers and devices.

It seems unlikely that there'll be browser support for ad-hoc controllers
that aren't part of an overall supported system in the near future, so it
seems you'd need to do significant development on your own to get this
working. If you're interested, consider options such as writing an OpenXR
or OpenVR/SteamVR driver for this, or hooking into the WebXR emulator
extension <>?

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 5:50 AM Ron J <> wrote:

> I'm looking for a way to get the orientation of Playstation Move
> controllers via a web browser. I can get button presses via the Gamepad API
> but it doesn't seem like the controllers get detected as WebXR input
> devices, I assume this is due to browsers not expecting this device type?
> I'm using this application to pair the controllers
>, so I might be able to "trick" browsers
> into seeing the Move controllers as a supported device, but I can't find
> any information on how browsers are doing this detection-- and this might
> not even be the problem. If anyone has some guidance on how I might could
> make this work, it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> - Ron J

Received on Monday, 24 February 2020 22:01:42 UTC