TPAC Meetings, incubations and modules

Hi Everyone (again),

If you are one of the champions for a particular incubation or module. We
would like to set aside 15 minutes during the TPAC teleconference
to get an update on what you are working on, the status of things,
blockers, wins etc...

This is something to bear in mind 🐻 before TPAC.

In addition, please let us know by next Tuesday, roughly how much time you
would like to set aside for talking about or resolving issues related to
your incubation. You don't need to have the issues already prepared until
closer to the time but a guideline for how much discussion time you
may would be very valuable to the organisation effort.

No time: 0 minutes
Short time: 30 minutes
Medium time: 1-2 hours
Very long time: 3 hours+

Thank you,

Ada, Chris, Aysegul

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2020 17:37:42 UTC