Update on Spatial Icon

I sent this email earlier under a different subject line. Now sending with
the correct one.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 6:05 AM Ravikiran Ramachandra <
rramachandra@magicleap.com> wrote:

> Here is a current status of Spatial Favicons:
> Immersive Web Proposal: https://github.com/immersive-web/spatial-favicons
> Where are we now ?
> There is no concrete acceptable solution for LoD incorporation into
> 'sizes'. I have gone through gLTF2.0 spec and I believe there is not much
> in the existing specification that could represent LoD without adding
> extensions.  We can work with Option 1: "Static Bounding Box". There might
> be room to improve on it later, including an option to add Immersive web
> custom extension to glTF2.0. Introducing new "attribute" outside "size"
> will need far more time to make it to spec, than re-using existing one.
> What is happening with HTML Spec ?
> We opened an issue to add 3rd dimension in HTML Spec:
> https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4922
> Rik discussed the issue with Spec Authors (at TPAC 2019), based on the
> feedback, authors felt there would be confusion if we went with Option 2
> (LoD metric based). Because it wasn't *'sizes'* in real sense. Authors
> also feel that even with Option 1, while 'sizes' have always been pixels,
> it would create confusion with 'millimeters'. We have provided our
> explanation in the above linked issue. We believe, we can pursue Option 1.
> What is happening w/ WebApp manifest ?
> The WebApp manifest suggested that we add this to Image Resource github
> explaining the 3rd dimension for 3D Favicon. Which is essentially going to
> feed into HTML Specification:
> https://github.com/w3c/manifest/labels/ImageResource
> Next Steps:
>   * Would like to discuss this (with more time allotted) in our next conf
> call.
>   * If we come to some agreement, I will start working with Image Resource
> authors.
> regards,
> Ravi
> Magic Leap Inc
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 8:58 AM Ravikiran Ramachandra <
> rramachandra@magicleap.com> wrote:
>> Hello Trevor, All
>> Regarding Spatial-favicon:
>> There is not much update after this:
>> https://github.com/immersive-web/spatial-favicons/blob/master/design_docs/SpatialFaviconSizes.pdf
>> There are broadly two available options now (Unless someone else has a
>> better proposal):
>> 1. Use 3 dimension bounding box for sizes.
>> 2. Reuse two dimension size with 'vertex count' x 'primitives' as the
>> values.
>> Of course there are some with the opinion that texture sizes do matter in
>> quality. But we are unsure how to fit it in.
>> There is not much room to provide quality from gLTF2.0 spec too.
>> Magic Leap is Ok with either, but lean towards Option 2.
>> warm regards
>> Ravi
>> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 12:48 PM Trevor Flowers <trevor@trevor.smith.name>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello, immersive web folks.
>>> During the Tuesday morning Immersive Web session at TPAC we're going to
>>> have a discussion about how to move forward with each feature incubation.
>>> If you're currently the feature lead then please be ready to give a quick
>>> (~10 minute) review of the current state and the remaining work of the
>>> feature.
>>> Here are the feature incubation repos:
>>> navigation: Diego Marcos
>>> dom-overlays: Klaus Weidner
>>> computer-vision: Blair MacIntyre
>>> geo-alignment: Blair MacIntyre
>>> layers: Artem Bolger
>>> lighting-estimation: Kip Gilbert
>>> real-world-geometry: Piotr Bialecki
>>> spatial-favicon: Rik Cabanier and Ravi Ramachandra
>>> anchors: Nell Waliczek and Brandon Jones
>>> hit-test: Nell Waliczek and Brandon Jones
>>> If you're listed above but aren't going to be able to make it to the
>>> session (in person or via remote connection) then please let me know in
>>> advance.
>>> - Trevor
>>> --
>>> *Trevor Flowers* 🌸🌸
>>> trevor@transmutable.com
>>> Principal at Transmutable
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__transmutable.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=0ia8zh_eZtQM1JEjWgVLZg&r=7_lM0rZu2bnW4tLI2I9-xCt8Pl3dICfyq-SPEjJvMVk&m=hSmG1jMYW9GzAXX_UPyJrE58E4jKdIw1u0DXdd7tpMc&s=6lOiakbNU73hiANLl8uMCDGyspoAX_wKyLi0JVSAOU0&e=>
>>> Friend of the Wider Web
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__potassiumes.org_wider-2Dweb_&d=DwMFaQ&c=0ia8zh_eZtQM1JEjWgVLZg&r=7_lM0rZu2bnW4tLI2I9-xCt8Pl3dICfyq-SPEjJvMVk&m=hSmG1jMYW9GzAXX_UPyJrE58E4jKdIw1u0DXdd7tpMc&s=m9U3nL6NpXmqkuH2BnpP3Y2OkHO9UPXivA2-pVubxRM&e=>

Received on Monday, 4 November 2019 12:51:08 UTC