No Immersive Web call tomorrow, July 23rd.

Hello, immersive web folks.

Tomorrow we will *not* have an immersive web call as many people are on
vacation and there are no pressing issues that can't be handled via GitHub.

If you're not fully engaged with working group Issues over in WebXR, I
encourage you to use the time that would have been spent on the call
reviewing a few Issues in proposals:

Proposals Issue 52: Native GLTF
Proposals Issue 40: Requirements for subtitles and text in WebXR

As I write this GitHub is having sporadic service failures (!!) so the
above links may not work until those are cleared up.

Stay open,

- Trevor


*Trevor Flowers* 🌸🌸
Principal at Transmutable <>
Friend of the Wider Web <>

Received on Monday, 22 July 2019 17:04:51 UTC