W3C M&E IG conference call: Subtitles in 360° Video and VR Experiences on the Web

Dear all,

The Media & Entertainment Interest Group is hosting a call on Tuesday 5th February on subtitles and captioning for 360° videos and VR experiences. We hope to open a discussion between the Media & Entertainment, Immersive Web, Timed Text, and accessibility communities, so hope you can join us.

Presenting will be Peter tho Pesch from the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), who says:

In recent years more and more applications show up that present media content in 3D space, like 360° videos (stereoscopic or not), VR experiences, etc. During the call we will present different use cases that go beyond the most basic approach for adding subtitles to such environments. The discussion would target the following issues:

- Does the Media and Entertainment IG agree with the need for such services?
- What implications do the presented use cases have for subtitle formats?
- Is there a standardization gap that could be filled under the roof of W3C? If so, in what group could that happen?

The following links provide additional information about the use cases and requirements:

A general requirement filed for the Timed Text Working Group: https://github.com/w3c/tt-reqs/issues/8

Use case description for subtitles in 360° videos: https://github.com/immersive-web/proposals/issues/39

Overview of requirements: https://github.com/immersive-web/proposals/issues/40


- Welcome (5 min)
- Call for AOB
- Subtitles in 360 video and VR experiences (70 minutes)
  - Use case presentations [Peter]
  - Discussion on standards gaps
  - Next steps
- Other M&E IG topics (10 min)
  - Perpectives document update [Francois]
  - Media Timed Events TF update [Chris]
  - Rechartering the Interest Group [Chris]
- AOB (5 min)

# Date and time

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
10:00 am | EST (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1.5 hours

# Connection details

Please see:

https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-web-and-tv/2018Sep/0001.html (member-only link)

Kind regards,

Chris (Co-chair, W3C Media & Entertainment Interest Group)



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Received on Friday, 25 January 2019 20:13:17 UTC