New Foundational Discussion Repo for AR

Hello, immersive web folks.

After discussion in this thread
<> and in consideration
of how we're now using feature incubation and API module repos, I've
created a new repository for discussion and documentation of cross-API
aspects of augmented reality:

This repo is for a similar purpose to the privacy-and-security repo
<> in that it's not
for working out IDL or similarly specific aspects of an API but is instead
a place to discuss foundational aspects of AR in more detail than a single
Issue in the proposals repo allows.

As always, let me know if you have any questions about how to use this or
any other repo.

- Trevor


*Trevor Flowers* 🌸🌸
Principal at Transmutable <>
Friend of the Wider Web <>

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2019 22:23:47 UTC