Re: Action Required: CFC, moving to a Living Spec Model for WebXR.

Full support.

Emmanuel Pietriga

> On 8 May 2024, at 21:08, Ada Rose Cannon <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Following the discussion at TPAC (minutes) I am putting forward the proposal for the WebXR Device API core spec and the WebXR layers spec to move to a living spec model where there will be continuous candidate recommendations published with no expectation that the spec will ever be fully “complete”. HTML follows a similar model. This model makes sense for these 2 specs because they both need to deal with the ever changing requirements of evolving XR hardware.
> These specs will still be limited to what is in the charter and candidate recommendations will be published at intervals it won’t be a new recommendation with every merged pull request but they will be updated within a timely manner after a substantive change and will undergo the various reviews.
> Please reply stating whether or not you approve or reject this proposal.
> Thank you,
> Ada Rose Cannon, Ayşegül Yonet and Chris Wilson
> Immersive Web Chairs

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 06:27:07 UTC