Metaverse Standards Forum: Volumetric Media Interoperability

Dear All,

I'm sharing this on behalf Metaverse Standards Forum Volumetric Media Interoperability Working Group, which has recently been established to look at interoperability issues related to compressing, storing, and delivering volumetric media. Considerations from a W3C perspective may include volumetric media playback on the web, including in Web XR.

W3C participants are invited to join the group's kick-off meeting at 14:00 UTC on Thursday 13 June 2024.

Please see the attached document, which describes the group's plans and initial timescales in more detail, and how to join the group.

Many thanks,

Chris (as co-chair, W3C Media & Entertainment Interest Group)

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2024 17:59:32 UTC