Immersive Web Working Group Teleconference - 2023-10-31

Call Agenda <>

This agenda can be viewed and updated on Github

If you would like to add an item to the agenda or volunteer to scribe
please open a pull request against this agenda.

   - depth-sensing#37 WebXR Depth Sensing Module: What is
   DepthInfo.normDepthBufferFromNormView matrix?
   <>requested by

do we need normDepthBufferFromNormView?

   - depth-sensing#43 Add depthNear and depthFar to XRDepthInformation
   <>- cabanier

I noticed that the IDL for XRDepthInformation in Chromium has depthNear and
depthFar but they are not defined in the spec. @bialpio, should we document
those? OpenXR depth sensing also exposes them so it seems they're needed.

   - layers#304 Create algorithm to assign indices for texture arrays
   <> - cabanier

While writing the depth sensing spec, @toji remarked that we need to handle
the case where there can be more than 2 textures for certain devices.
Currently the spec only handles at more 2. /agenda how should we assign
indices for texture arrays if there are more than 2 views?

Immersive Web Working Group Teleconference - 2023-10-31
San Francisco (U.S.A. - California)  Tuesday, October 31 at 12:00 PM PDT
Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts)  Tuesday, October 31 at 3:00 PM EDT
London (United Kingdom - England)  Tuesday, 31 October at 19:00 GMT
Paris (France)  Tuesday, 31 October at 20:00 CET
Tokyo (Japan)  Wednesday, 1 November at 04:00 GMT+9
Corresponding UTC (GMT)  Tuesday, 31 October at 19:00 UTCLogistics

Chair: Ada Rose Cannon


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If you are unable to login to view the call details please ask on the IRC
before the call.
Help Wanted <>

Here are some issues which are good issues to get involved in, if you have
taken responsibility for one leave a comment in the issue:

   - webvr-polyfill-dpdb#34 Create a helper script/web page for generating
   values for a new device
   - webxr-input-profiles#69 Resizing the window changes the model viewer's
   aspect ratio
   - webxr#953 Typescript definitions
   <> [Pre-REC]
   - webxr#1115 Explicitly spec when inline animation frame loops are
   suspended <> [Pre-REC]
   - proposals#82 Some sort of local shared space

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 13:58:22 UTC