Hi Ada and all,
> On 5 Aug 2022, at 21:32, Ada Rose Cannon <ada@ada.is> wrote:
> […]
> We have also requested some time with the WebRTC working group, to talk about adding XR capabilities to WebRTC. Is this something which the group would like to pursue?
WebRTC integration has come up in various different issues for various different use cases over the years.
I’ve added an issue to the main WebXR spec to try to pull some links together and see if we can nail down a bit more specifically what the general approach to integrating the specs might look like:
https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/1295 <https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/1295>
> […]
> In personal news, as some of you may have already heard, I (Ada) am leaving Samsung, I am on holiday for 3 weeks before starting at a new company. I have already had confirmation that new company are enthusiastic for me to continue chairing the Immersive Web Group and they are already W3C members so there should not be any gap or change in how the group is run or who the chairs are. Since I am on vacation for 3 weeks I probably won't send any reminders about marking your issues for TPAC so please try to do that so we can assemble the schedule when I return at the end of August.
Best of luck at your new job, and it’s great news that you’re able to continue chairing the group.
Enjoy the time off!