RE: Please Respond: CFP for moving Lighting Estimation into the WG and publishing it's FPWD


I support import to IMWG and publication of its FPWD.


From: Ada Rose Cannon <>
Sent: 24 August 2021 14:44
Subject: Please Respond: CFP for moving Lighting Estimation into the WG and publishing it's FPWD

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Hi Everyone,

This is a CFP for moving the Lighting Estimation spec<> into the Immersive Web Working Group and to publish it's FPWD.

This may seem very late as it is a pretty mature spec. Unfortunately it got overlooked and I had assumed it was in the WG for a long time.

It would be great to receive some positive responses to this mailing list and also any concerns and objections with doing this.

This will be open for a week.

Thank you,

Ada Rose Cannon

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2021 15:27:22 UTC