Accessibility Focus Group

Dear all,
My name is Jolie Bonner and I am doing research at the University of Glasgow, in collaboration with Mark McGill, Joseph O’Hagan and Florian Mathis.

We are reaching out to you as you are an expert in accessibility. We are conducting a study to understand how augmented reality (AR) could be used in daily life by those with accessibility needs, specifically through the use of tools on devices like AR glasses. These glasses can display a variety of visual and audio information to the wearer about the world around them, such as directions or hazards in their path.

We aim to conduct a short virtual focus group (1.5 hours) with multiple leading researchers, people in industry.
We will ask about what you feel are some of the challenges faced by disabled people today, explain the capacity for augmented reality, and discuss how we can combine this potential to help those with disabilities.

Please let us know if you would be willing to participate, we will run the sessions, Friday 11th 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT)
or Monday 14th 15:00-16:00 (GMT). Please let us know if you have any questions.

If you yourself are not free to participate but you know of others who would be, we would really appreciate it if you were to forward this email to them.

Best regards,
Jolie Bonner

Received on Monday, 7 November 2022 09:22:33 UTC