Meeting summary 2018-03-15

This morning i had a meeting with Alolita.

Here is my summary.

We expect to hold teleconferences every two weeks for task force 
participants.  Experience has shown that the teleconference is a vital 
heartbeat for the work, so regular scheduling is strongly recommended.

We may schedule some teleconferences a little more frequently during the 
initial phase so that we are able to get to grips with the standard 
processes and tools for working as a task force (eg. meeting management 
tools, including minute-taking, actions, work item tracking, etc.)

I will make myself available to bring people up to speed wrt practical 
items, but people should also read and 
familiarise themselves with the other information linked to from

Alolita will speak with Vivek and Muthu this weekend, after which i hope 
to enroll them into the task force.  Anshu Panday has also expressed 
interest in participating, and i will add him to the TF.

There was a question about who would be participating from Mahesh's team 
- participating here in terms of doing the actual work of drafting 
information and reviewing. Mahesh?

Alolita would like to initially put greatest focus on 3 of the 5 scripts 
we discussed previously, until we have the ball rolling.  They are:

We need to identify editors and contributors to manage the related 
documents for those scripts. Alolita will be working on that with a 
target of end of this month.

So, initial next steps include:

1. recruit participants to the TF to do the work, and establish the core 

2. review the gap analysis information coming from Mahesh

3. set agenda items to bring us to the point where we are operational

4. at that point, begin a wider publicisation of the effort and 
additional recruiting.

With this, i'm passing the baton to Alolita to move things forward from 



I have set up an action tracker at

I also created an initial project pipeline for work items at

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2018 15:24:15 UTC