Re: Need your input: W3C IIP task force meeting time (bi-weekly) May 2018 - Doodle poll

Hi Richard,

It would be great if Anshu could communicate on this list directly. How
late is late for Anshu :-) Anshu - can you let us know?

Last time we did 10pm PT which is 1am ET as a start time and Anshu couldn't
make it. It'd be great to be able to accommodate Europe too. We could do
9pm PT which is midnight ET and 5am UK time. All these times work for India
and Malaysia.

Let us know.


On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 1:43 AM, r12a <> wrote:

> On 01/05/2018 07:33, Alolita Sharma wrote:
>> I hope Anshu will be able to join in on one of these times since these
>> are friendly for India, Malaysia as well as the US East and West coasts
>> which unfortunately makes it Europe un-friendly (for Richard). I appreciate
>> the flexibility to meet early in the morning by the CDAC team in order to
>> help others from the US east coast join in.
> Anshu mentioned that he doesn't mind late night calls. I wonder whether
> that gives us some additional flexibility?
> ri

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 16:05:54 UTC