Re: strawman document: W3C/IETF mutual review mechanics

On 2011-10-17, at 21:16 +0200, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

>> The liaison telephone conferences are attended by the assigned
>> liaisons from both sides. The IETF Application Area Directors and the
>> W3C Director have standing invitations to join the liaison meetings.
>> IAB members may join the meetings.
> In practice, people other than the IETF Application Area Directors can
> attend these teleconferences. Recently, Area Directors for RAI and
> security have joined given wider cooperation of late between the W3C and
> IETF (web application security, RTC web, etc.).

Indeed.  Want to propose specific changes to the text?

>> Other individuals with specific expertise participate at the
>> invitation of the liaisons.
>> It is appropriate to copy the (archived)
>> mailing list on relevant communications between IETF and W3C
>> participants.  The archives of this list serve to document agreements
>> about review time lines, scopes, and issues.
>> The W3C/IETF liaison team is generally involved in chartering
>> negotiations that require mutual review.  The liaison team keeps an
>> online list of WGs to which the coordination expectations in this
>> document apply at @@.
> That all looks good. Thanks for writing this strawman.

Thanks for the review.

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 11:40:15 UTC