Fwd: issue-135 change proposal: canvas context-type registry at the W3C

Can the below be taken to mean that the W3C intends to get further into the registry business?

As discussed on the last call, registries are a continuing coordination item, and I'm still hopeful that we can make progress.


Begin forwarded message:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Summary
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A means for formally registering context types for the canvas element has
> been identified as a need for HTML5.
> With regard to that need, the HTML5 specification currently contains the
> following statement:
> New context types may be registered in the WHATWG Wiki CanvasContexts page.
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/the-canvas-element.html#the-canvas-element
> I propose that instead of that means (registering new context types in the
> WHATWG Wiki), the spec be changed to instead reference a registry following
> the precedent of the XPointer scheme registry[1], and in a way similar to
> the proposed registry for rel tokens outlined in Henri Sivonen's "Rel
> Registry at the W3C" proposal[2] for HTML WG issue 27.
> [1] http://www.w3.org/2005/04/xpointer-schemes/
> [2] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/RelRegistryAtTheW3C
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2. Rationale
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Having the spec reference a canvas context-type registry at the WHATWG Wiki
> has met with some objections, as recorded initially in HTML WG bug
> 10921[3], subsequently in issue 135[4], and finally in Steven Faulkner's
> "Add link to Canvas 2d context spec"[5] for issue 135.
> [3] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10921
> [4] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/135
> [5] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/RelRegistryAtTheW3C
> In addition, a Wiki -- regardless of where it is hosted -- is a suboptimal
> means for maintaining a formal registry of any kind, and should be avoided
> if better means are available. And better means are available -- namely,
> a mechanism similar to the XPointer scheme registry, as proposed here.
> The primary advantage that has been suggested for the Wiki-based registry
> for new context types is that it provides a low barrier of entry for
> registering them. A mechanism similar to the XPointer scheme registry
> provides that same low barrier of entry; in fact, it is at least as easy to
> use for registering new context types as a Wiki mechanism, if not easier.
> Also, as Henri notes in his "Rel Registry at the W3C" change proposal:
> - "The W3C is already in the registry business in the form of the
>  XPointer scheme registry, so there's both process precedent and
>  existing software for implementing a registry at the W3C"
> - This registry-hosting scenario provides for maintenance "on a site with
>  multiple sysadmins responding to failure situations and with more
>  resources to enable the longevity of the registry URL."
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3. Details
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Step 1. Deploy a canvas context-type registry at the W3C. 
> The logistics of deploying the registry would be similar to those outlined
> in the Details section of the "Rel Registry at the W3C" change proposal:
> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/RelRegistryAtTheW3C#Details
> Step 2. Change the spec to reference the registry instead of the Wiki.
> After the canvas context-type registry has actually been deployed, update
> the HTML5 spec to reference it instead of the Wiki. Specifically, take the
> following statement:
> New context types may be registered in the _WHATWG Wiki CanvasContexts page_.
> ...and replace it with this statement:
> New context types may be registered in the _canvas context-types registry_.
> ...where _canvas context-types registry_ is a hyperlink to the new registry.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 4. Positive Effects
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Extremely low barrier of entry for registering new canvas context types
> - The registry will be maintained on a site with multiple sysadmins
>  responding to failure situations and with more resources to enable the
>  longevity of the registry URL.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 5. Negative Effects
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> None.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6. Conformance-class changes
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> None.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 7. Risks
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> None.
> -- 
> Michael[tm] Smith
> http://people.w3.org/mike

Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 01:22:07 UTC