Minutes of the W3C/IETF Coordination Call, July 18, 2011

Minutes of the W3C/IETF Coordination Call, July 18, 2011

Attending: Mark Nottingham, Peter Saint-Andre, Pete Resnick, Sean
Turner, Robert Sparks, Gabriel Montenegro, Alissa Cooper, Thomas
Roessler, Brian Raymor, John Klensin, Adrian Bateman

Regrets: Philippe Le Hagaret, Russ Housley, Stephen Farrell

- Action Item Status (for context, see

ACTION: Pete to send notice of RFC3536bis Last Call to the public list,
-- done; document is approved and heading to RFC editor.

ACTION: liaisons on both sides to gather list of current activities /
interests in prep for discussions in Quebec City.

ACTION: Peter to send reminder for feedback about same-origin to
-- WGLC in WEBSEC WG after IETF 81, will send reminder then

ACTION: Mark to follow up on finding a home for John Kemp's work on HTTP
-- done.

- IETF HYBI / W3C WebSockets API  [ Gabriel / Thomas ]

   - deflate-stream
     - this is a MAY in the spec right now
     - included merely to show how extensions would work
     - has caused some grief in the WG, not thought to be a critical
     - the API says support is mandatory
     - there was a bug submitted against the API document, which has
       been closed
     - no real interest among implementers in supporting this feature

   - non-101 status code handling
     - the protocol maintains full HTTP compatibility until after UPGRADE
     - API departs from protocol here
     - specifically, API explicitly says to fail HTTP redirects
     - Thomas: why is this not a legitimate profile?
     - Gabriel: has been discussion in the HYBI WG to use full HTTP
       features before UPGRADE, can be useful in certain scenarios
       (enterprise applications, etc.)
     - Mark: WebSocket is hand-built for browsers
     - Gabriel: there are non-browser use cases
     - Mark: architectural issue, might be a topic for the TAG?

   - coordination between protocol and API
     - more feedback from implementers would be useful
     - especially from server implementers
     - Thomas: HYBI WG could provide comment to Web Applications WG
     - Mark: concerned about possible changes to API after protocol RFC
       is published
     - Thomas: API document is a working draft, will have clearer status
       before IETF 81

ACTION: Thomas to check in with ArtB on status of WebSocket API and
likelihood of protocol-related assumptions to change

ACTION: Mark to organize meeting between Gabriel, Philippe, Thomas, and
Mark on Sunday in Quebec City

- IETF WEBSEC WG / W3C Web Application Security WG  [ Peter / Thomas ]
   - X-Frame-Options / From-Origin
   - individual I-D in IETF on X-Frame-Options, might become WEBSEC WG
   - From-Origin document in W3C, not clear if in scope for WebAppSec

- Do Not Track [ Thomas ]
   - Positive interest among the relevant parties, not sure when going
     to the AC

- IETF IRI WG  [ Peter ]

Peter: Has been work by Julian Reschke and Chris Weber to prep cases and
create documentation of issues in IRI processing. Both Julian and Chris
have submitted individual Internet-Drafts as input to a document that
could be suitable for reference by HTML5. It's not clear when that needs
to be done.

Thomas: Current last call on HTML5 ends August 2, all issues to be
addressed by April. Likely, but not certain, that there will be second
last call in April. If IRI WG could get a draft produced and reviewed
this year, with buy-in from HTML5 folks before 2nd last call, it would
likely help.

Peter: Given recent activity, I think that is something we can make happen.

ACTION: Peter to coordinate plan of action with IRI WG.

- IAB and IETF review of HTML5

[DONE] ACTION: Philippe to supply list of sections that TAG is reviewing 
to the IAB.

[DONE] ACTION: Philippe to loop in W3C HTML5 participant.

Thomas: TAG reviewed HTML Polyglot, and section 5.6 (caching), section
9.2 (XHTML documents), and section 12 (media types); "willful
violations": RFC 2046, HTTP 1.1, RFC 2781, RFC 5322, RFC 3986, RFC 3987

ACTION: Mark to work out W3C/IAB, hybi related schedule for Sunday

ACTION: Mark to find hero from Münster to extract relevant parts of
HTML5 for review

[DONE] ACTION: Mark to circulate HTML5 LC to appropriate IETF groups.

[PENDING] ACTION: Peter to talk with IRI WG Chairs, look at HTML5 spec.
Set up a call very soon to discuss in more detail. [to be done after
IETF 81]

- IETF Quebec City planning  [ Mark / Thomas ]

See action items above.

- Next call planning  [ Mark ]

Calls in early September and then mid-October

Note that W3C Plenary occurs 31 October - 4 November (Santa Clara,
California) and IETF 82 occurs 13-18 November (Taipei).


Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2011 01:45:02 UTC