Fwd: [new-work] WG Review: Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (jose)


Begin forwarded message:

> From: IESG Secretary <iesg-secretary@ietf.org>
> Subject: [new-work] WG Review: Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (jose)
> Date: 31 August 2011 2:29:38 AM AEST
> To: new-work@ietf.org
> Reply-To: iesg@ietf.org
> A new IETF working group has been proposed in the Security Area.  The 
> IESG has not made any determination as yet. The following draft charter 
> was submitted, and is provided for informational purposes only. Please 
> send your comments to the IESG mailing list (iesg@ietf.org) by Tuesday, 
> September 6, 2011                            
> Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (jose)
> =================================================
> Status: Proposed Working Group
> Last updated: 2011-08-18
> Chairs
>    TBD
> Security Area Directors:
>    Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie>
>    Sean Turner <turners@ieca.com>
> Security Area Advisor:
>    Sean Turner <turners@ieca.com>
> Mailing Lists:
>   General Discussion: jose@ietf.org
>   To Subscribe: <https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/jose>
>   Archive: <http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/jose/>
> Description of Working Group
> ----------------------------
> Javascript Object Notation (JSON) is a text format for the serialization 
> of structured data described in RFC 4627. The JSON format is often used 
> for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network 
> connection. With the increased usage of JSON in protocols in the IETF 
> and elsewhere, there is now a desire to offer security services such as 
> encryption, digital signatures, and message authentication codes (MACs) 
> for data that is being carried in JSON format.
> Different proposals for providing such security services have already 
> been defined and implemented. This Working Group's task is to 
> standardize two security services, integrity protection (signature and 
> MAC) and encryption, in order to increase interoperability of security 
> features between protocols that use JSON.  The Working Group will base 
> its work on well-known message security primitives (e.g., CMS), and will 
> solicit input from the rest of the IETF Security Area to be sure that 
> the security functionality in the JSON format is correct.
> This group is chartered to work on four documents:
> 1) A Standards Track document specifying how to apply JSON-structured 
> integrity protection to data, including (but not limited to) JSON data 
> structures.  "Integrity protection" includes public-key digital 
> signatures as well as symmetric-key MACs.
> 2) A Standards Track document specifying how to apply a JSON-structured 
> encryption to data, including (but not limited to) JSON data structures.
> 3) A Standards Track document specifying how to encode public keys as 
> JSON-structured objects.
> 4) A Standards Track document specifying mandatory-to-implement 
> algorithms for the other three documents.
> The working group may decide to address one or more of these goals in a 
> single document, in which case the concrete milestones for 
> signing/encryption below will both be satisfied by the single document.
> Goals and Milestones
> --------------------
> Jan 2012    Submit JSON object integrity document as a WG item.
> Jan 2012    Submit JSON object encryption document as a WG item.
> Jan 2012    Submit JSON key format document as a WG item.
> Jan 2012    Submit JSON algorithm document as a WG item.
> Jun 2012    Start Working Group Last Call on JSON object integrity 
>            document.
> Jun 2012    Start Working Group Last Call on JSON object encryption 
>            document.
> Jun 2012    Start Working Group Last Call on JSON key format document.
> Jun 2012    Start Working Group Last Call on JSON algorithm document.
> Jul 2012    Submit JSON object integrity document to IESG for 
>            consideration as Standards Track document.
> Jul 2012    Submit JSON object encryption document to IESG for 
>            consideration as Standards Track document.
> Jul 2012    Submit JSON key format document to IESG for consideration
>            as Standards Track document.
> Jul 2012    Submit JSON algorithm document to IESG for consideration
>            as Standards Track document.
> _______________________________________________
> new-work mailing list
> new-work@ietf.org
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/new-work

Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 02:51:20 UTC