Minutes 2010-07-09

stpeter, John, alexey, Philippe Le Hégaret, Thomas, mnot, Yves, TimBL

1. Update on W3C contacts

Dan Connoly has left the W3C, and therefore is no longer a contact for the Liaison. Thomas replaces him.



Started from the Web Security and Privacy conference in Oakland. Take existing work and focus efforts on HTTP/Web security at the protocol level (excluding SSL, authentication). E.g., HTTP headers, content security policy potentially. Open question as to what the mix of work is between W3C and IETF.

BoF in Maastricht.

CSP has been proposed in W3C WG, some overlap; high-level division of labour is to do things directly related to HTTP in IETF, whereas W3C does policy expressions, etc. 

3. W3C Web Security work

XML Security 1.1 is going well. Web Security Context WG is wrapping up.


Alexey has put out a call for updated documents by the IETF cutoff date, July 12. If the workload is too much, we might try to add a second editor for each of the drafts (requirements and protocol).

5. Link Relations registry

https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-nottingham-http-link-header/ approved by IESG, working with IANA to establish the registry. Should be up and running soon. There will be work ongoing to add more items to the registry from implementers. Also, the registry is extensible. Announcements sent to https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/link-relations-announce list.

6. W3C Geolocation

Heads-up that geolocation WG requested to move to next stage, Candidate Recommendation. Expect some news on that front from the Director.

Also, privacy workshop next week which includes various IETF and IAB folks:

7. Next meeting

ACTION: Thomas to set up a call in early September

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2010 05:03:20 UTC