- From: Thomas Roessler <tlr@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 17:24:12 +0200
- To: Tantek Celik <tantek@cs.stanford.edu>, Cristina Badulescu <cristina.badulescu@ericsson.com>, Mark Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca>, Frederick Hirsch <Frederick.Hirsch@nokia.com>, Robin Berjon <robin@robineko.com>, jsmarr@stanfordalumni.org, Chris Messina <chris.messina@gmail.com>, Cyrus Daboo <cyrus@daboo.name>, Rich Tibbett <rich.tibbett@gmail.com>, Mike Hanson <mhanson@mozilla.com>, Suresh Chitturi <schitturi@rim.com>, Pete Resnick <presnick@qualcomm.com>, simon.perreault@viagenie.ca
- Cc: Thomas Roessler <tlr@w3.org>, public-ietf-w3c <public-ietf-w3c@w3.org>, W3C Device APIs and Policy WG <public-device-apis@w3.org>, Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter@stpeter.im>, Victoria.Gray@forapolis.com, Mark Nottingham <mnot@mnot.net>, Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <dom@w3.org>, msk@cloudmark.com
Hello, this note is addressed to various individuals involved in contact format related work at and liaison relationships between W3C, IETF, OMA, and Portable Contacts. The W3C Device API WG is working on a JavaScript API for address books: http://www.w3.org/TR/contacts-api/ The API's contact data model is currently based on the Portable Contacts data model. We understand that the IETF carddav WG would prefer us to base our work on a model that is compatible with vcard4. We further understand that the vcardrev draft has been in WG last call for a while. It appears that there have been recent comments on the IETF carddav WG's mailing list that suggest a discussion about alignment between PoCo and vcard4. Further, we have received a liaison note from OMA that suggests that we possibly adapt OMA's Converged Address Book work. We understand that the OMA format is about to be frozen as well: http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/docs/OMA-LS_877-OMA_COM_to_W3C_Contact_Fields_Attachment-20100823-A.pdf The W3C Device API WG is currently reviewing the various specifications and trying to see in detail where the formats agree or disagree; that work should be done within a week. (Kudos to Rich Tibbett at Opera Software.) It sounds like an informal discussion about overall directions for the various contacts formats, based on that review, would be beneficial in order to see whether further fragmentation can be avoided. We're willing to host a phone conference for this conversation at W3C. The purpose of this e-mail is to see whether there is interest in this sort of conversation, and whether there are timing considerations that we all should be aware of. Regards, -- Thomas Roessler, W3C <tlr@w3.org> (@roessler)
Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2010 15:24:41 UTC