W3C Workshop on HTML Email: position papers due 21 April

Please distribute to the IETF community and anyplace
else you can think of. This was announced on the W3C
homepage 30 March; sorry for the delay...

   W3C Workshop on HTML Email

   24 May 2007 in Paris, France, hosted by the
   Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris

   Chair:        Daniel Glazman
   Team Contact: Karl Dubost

Please see the Call for Participation for complete details:

Important Dates

   * 21 April   Mandatory position papers due
   *  1 May     Final Workshop Program available
   * 14 May	Deadline for registration
   * 24 May     Workshop (8:30am to 6:00pm)

Position Papers

  Position papers are the basis for discussions at the
  Workshop. Accepted papers will be made publicly
  available. Submitting a position paper comprises a default
  recognition of these terms for publication. Papers should
  explain the participant's interest in the Workshop, and should
  contribute to the Workshop's goals as outlined
  above. Non-technical contributions are encouraged as well.

  Candidate position paper topics include:

   * Why HTML email is mandatory for newsletters and ads
   * Good and bad stories from direct marketers and online retailers
   * Interoperability problems in mail user agents
   * Editing HTML content for email
   * What needs to be done to have JavaScript enabled in email?
   * Browsing and Authoring "Decorative mail services" on Mobile 
     phones in Japan

  Additional suggestions are welcome and will be added to the
  Workshop home page.


  The Workshop is free, and open to both W3C Members and to
  non-members. Public proceedings will be published after the
  event.  Space is limited and participation may be limited by
  organization. To help the organizers plan the Workshop: If you
  wish to participate, please send email as soon as possible to
  the HTML mail public list <public-html-mail@w3.org> stating:

  * Someone from your organization plans to submit a
    position paper;
  * Whether you want to send one or two participants;
  * Whether or not you wish to make a presentation.

We are looking forward to your participation. If you should have
any questions, please contact Daniel Glazman <daniel@glazman.org>
or Karl Dubost <karl@w3.org>.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 19:29:52 UTC