mailng list notices, archives in the W3C and IETF

In discussion of using one mailing list for both W3C
and IETF work, there's some question as to whether the
relevant notices are in the right places.


"Note Well
Any submission to the IETF intended by the Contributor for
publication... "


"Note: Comments that you send to these lists are archived and visible to
the public in perpetuity. ...

There used to be an issue in that archives for IETF use were required
to have archives in mail folder format which W3C didn't provide. I think
we do provide them now, but maybe not for all mailing lists yet or

I'm not sure this needs any action any time soon, but I'm sending
it to public-ietf-w3c for reference.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 8 August 2005 21:01:50 UTC