Re: NULL strings... necessary?

I thought about this.

Jim Melton writes:
> Indeed, XQuery and XSLT make a distinction here.  However, the term 
> "null value" is not used by those languages nor by the data model on 
> which they depend (the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Data Model).  The 
> closest analog to "null value" in that Data Model is "empty 
> sequence", which is a sequence with nothing at all in it.  That is 
> very clearly different from a value of xs:string type that contains 
> exactly zero characters.  The term used by the Data Model for such a 
> string value is "zero-length string".  Note that the Data Model does 
> *not* use the term "empty value" nor "empty string" because of the 
> proven potential for confusion with "empty sequence".

On the face of it, this divide would seem to match the one I'm looking 
at. But not really. See below.

> Because of the specific choice of vocabulary ("empty sequence" and 
> "zero-length string") used by the Data Model, versus the choice of 
> vocabulary used by Arnt below ("NULL/NIL string" and "empty string"), 
> and the absence of any statement by Arnt of what his terms mean, I 
> cannot address his actual question.  Sorry!

Part of the problem is that the term "NULL string" is used, but not 
defined, in the comparator draft. So I don't have a real definition for 
you. (The lack of a real definition was the reason I spotted this, 

Anyway. By now it's clear that every (potential) user of collations 
agrees: The null concept as described doesn't go well with existing 

> I should also mention that XQuery's order by clause (part of the FLWOR 
> expression) allows query authors to specify whether empty sequences 
> sort less than or greater than all non-empty-sequence values.

One of the specified properties of null strings is that they sort after 
all non-null strings, but before error strings. (Error strings are 
strings outside the collator's domain, for example non-numbers in the 
case of a numeric collator.) To support XQuery's empty sequences, null 
strings would need user-definable behaviour... which I think is going a 
little bit too far.

I lean towards saying that collations sort strings, and if you want a 
null concept, you have to handle it, and implement the behaviour that 
suits you. That way no new requirements are imposed upon either sieve 
or imap sort.


Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 17:52:27 UTC