- From: Harry Halpin <hhalpin@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 19:11:17 -0000 (GMT)
- To: public-federatedsocialweb-xg@w3.org
- Cc: public-identity@w3.org
Everyone, The face-to-face for the Federated Social Web XG, which includes discussion of the proposed Identity chater, will run 9 AM - 6 PM Pacific Time. We will be taking notes on #federated on irc.w3.org (port 6665) and feel free to join the conversation by IRC. Details for the possibility for remote participation via call-in and Zakim will be sent out tomorrow at 9:00 AM once the polyphone and room set-up is confirmed. The agenda is online: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/W3C_TPAC_Federated_Social_Web_Agenda W3C TPAC Federated Social Web Agenda * People in attandance who may wish to give updates on specs are listed with a '?' * 9:00-9:30 Introduction and Web Identity Charter Reading * See proposed [1]Web Identity Working Group charter * Detail how this relates to existing Federated Social Web and OAuth 9:30-10:00 Agenda Tweaking 10:00-11:00 Discussion of Identity API and Identity Sync Deliverables * Identity API should specify how web application developers access session-state information and use authentication credentials to enable functionality such as easier and more secure sign-on to services. + Anonymous (null) identities? Multiple identities? * Identity Sync should specify how web application developers can synchronize of identity information across multiple devices 11:00-12:00 Discussion with WebAppSec WG * Crypto API commonly-used cryptographic primitives should be made available to web application developers via a standardized API to facilitate common operations such as asymmetric encryption key pair generation, encryption, and generation, as well as symmetric encryption, hashing, and signature verification. + Common abstract model over smartcards etc. + Sandboxing of keyring and relationship to vendor platforms 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 13:30 Overview of the Social Web in 2011 * Is standardization in the trajectory of any major providers (Facebook, Twitter, Google) * [2]W3C Social Business Jam Nov 8-10th 13:30 - 15:00 Next Steps on OStatus * Report and Discussion on state of OStatus [Evan Prodromeo] * OpenSocial2 now is more inline with OStatus * News from OMA Mobile Social Networking [Claudio Venezia] * Use-cases possible test-suite over [3]SWAT 1 15:15-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 - 17:00 State of Related Specifications * What is status and future of the various specifications that OStatus depends on? * ActivityStreams [Monica Wilkerson?] * Pubsubhubub [Blaine Cook] * PortableContacts [Joseph Smarr?] * Salmon Protocol 17:00-18:00 * Future of the Federated Social Web XG Community Group and/or Working Group? * Future Workshops RobustWeb in Cairo? The CA System? Social Web Workshop in Leuven? Federated Social Web Conference in San Francisco? [1] http://www.w3.org/2011/08/webidentity-charter.html [2] http://www.w3.org/2011/socialbusiness-jam/ [3]http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/SWAT1_use_cases
Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 19:13:22 UTC