Re: Minutes, report? Login to wiki?

On 06/07/2011 04:55 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:
> If there was a draft report, I must've missed it ...
> -- Dirk
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Nico Williams<>  wrote:
>> I can't login to the wiki for the IDBROWSER workshop.  Also, I
>> remember a draft report going by that I must comment on, but now I
>> can't find it -- what was the subject line for that?


    Sorry for not responding to emails earlier, I was organizing yet 
another workshop in Berlin and have been stuck at NSTIC meeting without 
wifi :(

Two quick points, and then I'll go through the emails individually.

1) There was an informal W3C blog post to inform people that the 
discussion is happening on this list [1]. This is not the final report, 
which is a much more detailed document with clear next steps for the 
W3C. The final report we want done in about a week or two. For an 
example final workshop report, see the results of the Do-Not-Track 
workshop final report [2].

2) The wiki should work now if you have a W3C login (there was a bug 
restricting it, which has been removed). So please, do edit! I'll be 
editing the wiki and condensing notes from workshop early next week.

Yes, I agree an extended discussion of MutualAuth should be in final 
report. We may want to try to do some voting again to see the level of 
support of going forward on various areas now that people have had some 
time to think.



>> Thanks,
>> Nico
>> --

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 12:08:54 UTC