- From: Charles 'chaals' (McCathie) Nevile <charles.nevile@consensys.net>
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 00:26:12 +1100
- To: public-idcg@w3.org
W3C has several dozen team members. But it seems that it would score very low in terms of diversity for an organisation whose name starts with world-wide. Articulating a plan to ensure the changes to personnel will lead to rapidly increasing diversity seems like it would be a pretty good thing to take on. cheers On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 16:17:43 +1000, Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org> wrote: > > Leonie, thanks for pulling together a meeting of the Inclusion > and Diversity Community Group. > All, I'm particularly hoping we can discuss elements of a > multi-point plan of action, even if part of our discussion is > focused on a possible W3C statement. > It may seem hard at first to figure out what W3C can do for an > action plan given that we're an international technology > consortium. But on other aspects of diversity, including > disability and gender, W3C has made some progress over the years, > even though we often questioned whether any particular step would > have an impact, and even though there's lots more to do. On racial > justice issues I'm hoping that we can think broadly when > considering possible actions across the W3C community. Here are > some possible ideas to brainstorm on, mostly phrased as questions. > I'd welcome discussion on these on the IDCG list, in meetings, and > in any other W3C fora, and also an expansion of an ideas list that > might provide us good options to turn into an action plan. Some of > these repeat a few things already mentioned on the list, and I > also haven't captured them all. > ... > 9. Action Plan? Some of these ideas may not be a > good fit for W3C, and a lot of other good ideas may be missing. If > we think ahead a year, what kind of progress would we want to be > able report, and what among these possibilities -- or other > possibilities -- might help get us there? Anyone interested in > starting to build an action plan from these or similar ideas? > - Judy > -- Charles "chaals" Nevile PegaSys Standards Architect, ConsenSys
Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2020 13:26:29 UTC