Re: mentoring

Hi Tzviya,

On 7/10/2020 2:22 PM, Siegman, Tzviya wrote:
> Hi IDCG,
> The group working on making W3C more welcoming met today. We touched 
> on the topic of mentoring and decided to bring it back to the whole 
> group. We agreed that mentoring would benefit the W3C greatly, but it 
> goes well beyond welcoming. Barbara spoke about long-term and 
> short-term mentoring as well as situational mentoring. We think that 
> the welcome materials that we are working on will help a mentor, but 
> this is a separate topic. Can we add this to our actions?
Mentoring sounds like a good addition to the umbrella topic of 
welcoming, so +1 to adding it.

The IDCG subpage "Welcoming" has a lot of sub-actions and details.

Do you want the headline-level sub-actions (now including mentoring) 
also showing up under the "Welcoming" topic on the main page as well?

That could be very helpful for IDCG participants and the public skimming 
IDCG's action ideas to see what's in progress.

And/or did you mean listing this directly in the proposed statement?

- Judy

> Thanks,
> Tzviya
> *Tzviya Siegman*
> Information Standards Lead
> Wiley
> 201-748-6884
> <>
Judy Brewer
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
105 Broadway, Room 7-128, MIT/CSAIL
Cambridge MA 02142 USA

Received on Friday, 10 July 2020 18:44:45 UTC