Re: Actions for inclusion in the statement

Thanks, Judy.

Pretty much, I like all of these ideas.  But I would only want to 
include them in the list if we at least have a volunteer for each one 
who takes ownership and makes a commitment to follow-through. Otherwise, 
it could be viewed as empty rhetoric.  A few specific comments in-line.


On 7/2/2020 11:14 PM, Judy Brewer wrote:
> I'd like to see if we can broaden an action list for W3C, and 
> structure it more, to better signal potential the impact of actions.
> This draft builds on previous action drafts, folding in items that 
> have come up on-list, in meetings, and on our Wiki.
> (The one item that I don't think has shown up in discussions yet, but 
> which I suggest below, is "Incorporate more diverse organizations into 
> W3C business development contacts lists." W3C's business development 
> team is currently working to expand their lists, so new community 
> contacts will hopefully be welcomed.)
> I'm also suggesting a short version of this for potential use in some 
> contexts, which I'll post here first:
> *"W3C commits to take actions in the areas of learning, messaging, 
> outreach and inreach, creating a welcoming environment, supporting 
> participants, technical development, governance, and continuous 
> improvement."*
> Here's a more detailed version to review. Additions? Adjustments? 
> Suggestions for better wording? Improved categorization? Are these 
> feasible, and things that we can commit to?
>   * Learning:
>       o Compile and curate race and tech reading/watching/resource lists
>       o Promote list to W3C membership, groups, tech field, public
>   * Messaging:
>       o Promote awareness on race and tech through W3C communications
>       o Develop talking points to improve engagement with different
>         communities
>   * Outreach and inreach:
>       o Partner with black tech communities to promote engagement in
>         tech standards
>       o Build more diverse organizations into W3C business development
>         contacts lists
It would be great if Alan could volunteer for this - I would expect him 
to be a big supporter.   (And as you know, separately, I'm working on an 
initiative in this space.)
>      o
>       o Encourage W3C Member organizations to nominate diverse
>         representatives to W3C work
This would be particularly meaningful if the AB could accept this as 
their commitment.
>      o
>       o Offer open office hours for input, exploration, support, mentoring
I think we have this one already.
>      o
>   * Welcoming:
>       o Train W3C Community on W3C's new Code of Ethics and
>         Professional Conduct
Big +1.  I'm happy to take the action to organize this one.
>       o Review and improve terminology usage in W3C work
>   * Support:
>       o Expand diversity fund and types of supports that the fund covers
Expanding types of support is interesting.  In terms of expanding the 
fund, as you know, the W3C Team has committed money for the first time 
this year ($5K).  But other than that, expanding the fund just means 
*asking* more people to give - which does not feel very tangible.
>   * Technical development:
>       o Identify potential intersecting race and tech issues to work
>         on in W3C technologies
>       o Ensure W3C groups are aware of and avoid technical development
>         that facilitates racial bias
>   * Governance:
>       o Establish a W3C Equity Review Board (ERB)
As per my comments below, this requires more definition, imho.
>       o Recruit nominations from W3C Community, including Member
>         organizations, public, diversity consultants
>   * Continuous improvement:
>       o Promote involvement in IDCG
>       o Assess progress or lack thereof; continue to explore potential
>         additional actions
> All comments welcome.
> - Judy
> On 7/2/2020 2:23 PM, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
>> Leonie,
>> Thanks.  These are a good list of tangible items.
>> I wonder if there are sufficient specifics to propose an ERB at this 
>> stage.  If an ERB is proposed, the AC will ask for specifics and the 
>> detailed work has not been done yet.
>> Jeff
>> On 7/2/2020 1:51 PM, Léonie Watson wrote:
>>> Everyone,
>>> Based on today's call these are the actions that I think could be 
>>> included in the statement we'll ask the AC to support. Comments most 
>>> welcome.
>>> * The diversity fund
>>> * Outreach: connecting to other communities
>>> * Outreach: open office hours
>>> * Establishing an Equity Review Board (ERB)
>>> * Reviewing W3C terminology
>>> * Creating reading lists
>>> Léonie.
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 105 Broadway, Room 7-128, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02142 USA

Received on Friday, 3 July 2020 12:49:14 UTC