Re: Reminder to message the AC

Hi Zoë,

I have shared your feedback internally with the relevant people.


> On 17 Sep 2019, at 17:17 , Zoë Bijl <> wrote:
> Not entirely sure if this is related but there are definitely things, diversity and inclusion wise, that could be improved in and around TPAC itself.
> Some examples of which are:
> Accessibility support at the developer meetup.
> Monday’s W3C Developer Meetup didn’t include any accessibility support features. It was great to see such a diverse lineup of speakers. But it would’ve been even nicer if the talks had been captioned, offered sign language interpretation, or both. Thinking back to the Lyon (2018) and Lisbon (2016) meetups I don’t think these things were offered there. But it would be great to see them at future events. I’m not saying this should come out of the diversity fund. But it has to come from somewhere.
> Gender neutral rest rooms.
> I was very happy to see that there were pronoun stickers at the registration desk. This was part of the feedback I (and hopefully others) sent to the organisers after the IDCG met last year. Kudos to them for that improvement! That said, there were no gender neutral rest rooms as far as I have spotted. This isn’t a problem for those staying in the hotel as they can use their rooms. But for those staying somewhere else this can lead to uncomfortable situations. While we could argue this is down to the venue, I’m sure something could’ve been arranged if this was discussed with said venue.
> If there’s a different/better channel for this kind of feedback please let me know.
> Talk soon.
> —Zoë Bijl
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2019, at 15:45, Léonie Watson wrote:
>> Everyone,
>> At the AC meeting in Fukuoka today, Jeff spoke about the diversity fund, 
>> and encouraged members to commit to sponsoring the fund in 2020 as they 
>> plan their annual budgets.
>> We should send a message to the AC soon, that lets those not present at 
>> the AC meeting know, and to let everyone know who to contact etc.
>> This is mostly a reminder to self, but if anyone has ideas about what 
>> should go into the message, feel free to add them in this thread.
>> Léonie.--
>> Director @TetraLogical

Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications - +337 810 795 22

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2019 06:23:44 UTC