Re: Information about the diversity fund for W3M

> On 27 Feb 2019, at 15:26 , Jeff Jaffe <> wrote:
> Leonie and IDCG,
> Thanks for preparing this proposed framework.  It has been approved by W3M and we are moving into implementation with an announcement to ac-forum later this week.

I have now sent the announcement to W3C Members and called for Sponsors.
The only delta is in the proposed timeline: I updated “Week of 12th Apr” to “Week of 15th Apr” (a Monday).


> At some point, we will want to know who IDCG is naming to the selection committee.
> Jeff
> On 2/23/2019 8:20 AM, Léonie Watson wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> Please find the proposed framework for the W3C diversity fund for TPAC,from the Inclusion and Diversity Community Group (IDCG).
>> Name: Diversity fund
>> Description:
>> The purpose of the W3C diversity fund is to increase participation at TPAC, by people who could otherwise not attend.
>> To apply to the diversity fund you should be from a group that is under-represented in the web community, and unable to attend TPAC without financial help.
>> When you apply, you will be asked to explain (in one or two sentences) what perspectives you will bring, and which areas you would like to contribute to
>> during TPAC. You are not required to self-identify as belonging to any particular group, but If you are comfortable sharing that information it will help
>> us ensure the fund is balanced across different under-represented groups.
>> "The definition of "under-represented" means different things to different people, and the language used is also different depending on where you are.
>> For this reason we've chosen to give some specific examples, but this is not an exhaustive list. None of the labels for the different under-represented
>> groups are universally accepted; please understand that these examples use labels or concepts which may be geographically- or community-specific, and that
>> does not mean that only those labels and concepts are relevant for this fund.
>> Under-represented groups include (but are not limited to): people with disabilities/disabled people; people of color/BAME people; women; LGBTQIA people;
>> people from outside of Europe and North America; indigenous people; and refugees.
>> If you are thinking of applying to the diversity fund but you are not sure whether you should, please get in touch. We will answer your questions in confidence,
>> and can offer any help you might need to complete the application.
>> Selection criteria:
>> * We will prioritise new W3C participants and established participants who have not previously attended TPAC.
>> * Where we know which under-represented groups applicants are from, we will prioritise diversity amongst the people to receive assistance.
>> * We will not use the written quality of applications as a metric, recognising that people find writing difficult for many reasons including it being a foreign language, cognitive disabilities, and reading/literacy difficulties.
>> Selection committee:
>> There will be a selection committee who will use the selection criteria to choose the successful candidates. The selection committee will be comprised of:
>> * One person from each of the sponsor organisations.
>> * Two people from the W3 team.
>> * Two people from the IDCG.
>> Proposed timeline:
>> This is the proposed timeline, based on an outline provided by Jeff:
>> * Week of 25th Feb: Announce diversity fund to AC and issue a first call for sponsors, with the request that commitments are made by 1st Apr (so we can announce sponsors at the AC meeting).
>> * 8th or 9th Apr: At the AC meeting, announce sponsorship total to date and invite any last commitments before the end of the week.
>> * Week of 12th Apr: Announce the process and timetable for application, selection and notification of 2019 recipients.
>> The timetable will need W3M to approve this information at its meeting on 27th Feb, and for a message to the AC to be prepared and sent as soon after as possible. I appreciate your help with this.
>> Léonie.
>> -- Director @TetraLogical

Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications - +337 810 795 22

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2019 17:39:35 UTC