Re: Action needed: Proposal to adopt Diversity Scholarship description

On 04/02/2019 18:59, Léonie Watson wrote:
> Madlaina,
> Is your -1 to the proposal to adopt the description (proposal 2), or 
> the proposal to change the name from "Scholarship" to "fund" (proposal 
> 1)?
> You've replied to the proposal about the description, which can/will 
> be amended based on the decision about the name. Thanks.
> Léonie.
> On 04/02/2019 17:55, Madlaina Kalunder wrote:
>> -1 I am also pro "grant"
Dear Léonie

+1 for the description
and based on the discussions a
0 for proposal 1 (prefer "grant" over fund)

please excuse the confusion



Received on Monday, 4 February 2019 20:52:51 UTC