RE: Closing Issue 502 ( was RE: Issue 502 is closed )

Hello Martin, others,

The WS Task Force of the I18N WG has looked at your new text proposal
at its teleconference today and has decided that it adequately addresses
our issue 502.

Many thanks,    Martin.

P.S.: For the record, but unrelated to issue 502 (and not part of my
       action that prompted me to send this mail), some people on our
       group have made comments on the frequency, low information value,
       and potential for confusion especially to non-native readers,
       of the words "information item".

At 01:29 04/10/22, Martin Gudgin wrote:
 >Thank you for your detailed and comprehensive response. The current
 >editors copy says:
 >"The type of the resource attribute information item is xs:anyURI. The
 >value of the resource attribute information item is a URI that
 >identifies the Web resource whose representation is carried in the
 >rep:Representation element information item parent of the resource
 >attribute information item. NOTE: the use of the xs:anyURI type
 >anticipates the possibility that in the future schemes will be developed
 >that use IRI rather than URI naming for resources."
 >I would be happy to change this to your text:
 >"The type of the resource attribute information item is xs:anyURI. The
 >value of the resource attribute information item identifies the Web
 >resource whose representation is carried in the rep:Representation
 >element information item parent of the resource attribute information
 >What do others in the XMLP WG think? 

Received on Thursday, 21 October 2004 23:42:40 UTC