WSTF Teleconference Notes...

MD: Action: send announcement to unicoRe
AP: Action: send to the remainder of the lists 
AP: Action: update the action list from the WSUS document

  MD = Martin
  AP = Addison

*** Now talking in #i18n.
*** Users on #i18n: apphillips Zakim @MJDuerst 
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode for channel #i18n is "+"
*** Channel #i18n was created at Thu May 20 16:00:47 2004 
<Zakim> +[Sun]
<Zakim> +Prasad_Yendluri
<apphillips> zakim, who is here? 
<Zakim> On the phone I see [IBM], Martin, [Sun], Prasad_Yendluri
<Zakim> On IRC I see apphillips, Zakim, MJDuerst
<apphillips> 1. Action Items and Agenda Review  
<apphillips> 2. WSCG call summary 
<apphillips> 3. Announcing WSUSWD... 
<apphillips> 4. Requirements doc planning 
<apphillips> 5. WSUSWD finalization planning 
*** Signoff: MJDuerst (Ping timeout)
<apphillips> AP: summary of the call with WSCG 
<apphillips> AP: still confused about the whole Tex issue : why do we all remember him being on the WSCG call?
<apphillips> Mary: "entitled" should be "titled" 
<apphillips> The Web Service Task Force of the W3C Internationalization Working Group  
<apphillips> is glad to announce the publication of a new, thoroughly revised Working  
<apphillips> Draft entitled "Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios", at  
<apphillips> This Working Draft is close to finalization and publication as a Note,  
<apphillips> and this is therefore the best time to review the document and send us  
<apphillips> comments and suggestions as quickly as possible.  
<apphillips> Together with "Requirements for the Internationalization of Web Services"  
<apphillips> (at, this will serve as input to the  
<apphillips> rechartering of the Internationalization Working Group this summer. 
<apphillips> AV: include i18n-prog in the list of lists. 
<apphillips> MD: Action: send to unicoRe 
<apphillips> AP: action: the remainder of the lists 
<apphillips> 4. 
<apphillips> MD: doc may be a mismatch to the charter. some we may do and some that others will do. 
<apphillips> AP: the important stuff to list is stuff we intend to work on. 
<apphillips> comments pending: MD, AV, David Booth 
<apphillips> 5. 
<apphillips> target mid-to-late june? 
<apphillips> TimBL timing/meeting issues 
<apphillips> about a week of prep on the document 
<apphillips> MD: organize the actionlist better. 
<apphillips> AP: action: update the action list from the document 
<apphillips> goober? 
<apphillips> nudibranch? 
<apphillips> g4r 
<apphillips> home page 
<apphillips>Will update action list. Discussion of section 4.16.x
<Zakim> -Prasad_Yendluri
<Zakim> -[IBM]
<Zakim> -[Sun]
<Zakim> -Martin
<Zakim> I18N_WSTF()7:00PM has ended
<Zakim> Attendees were [IBM], Martin, [Sun], Prasad_Yendluri

Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force

Internationalization is an architecture. 
It is not a feature.

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2004 20:00:27 UTC