teleconference meeting notes

Present: Addison (chair, scribe), Martin, Takao, Mike
Welcome new member: Mary!
Regrets: Tex, Andrea

Note: NEW: IRC channel   : join channel: #i18n  
NOTE: Teleconference schedule changed to weekly starting next week!!

1. AP: Incorporate Mark Davis's example for I-022 [DONE!]
2. AP: incorporate AV's calendric time examples [DONE!]
3. AP: incorporate DB's 'unfinished' usage scenarios between 7 and 16. [about half]
4. MM: updating discovery scenarios. [pending][will send this week]
5. AP: Ping new WSCG chair: plan to liase as our requirements emerge. [pending]
6. AP: Fix dates on F2F page [done]
7. AP: Add details on lodging near webMethods [pending]
8. AP: Change example to noodles [done]
9. AP: Move WSDL/SOAP sections [done]fix.
10. All: Sign up for and write text [pending]
11. TT/AP: Additional edit round [done]
12. MM: Write text for section 6.3 [pending]
NEW:[13] MD: prompt SysAdmin to get the html generation working again.

0. Agenda/action items review.
1. Discuss progress towards 1 March publication date.
  >> will meet every week.
2. Discuss face-to-face details.
3. Other business.
  >> req doc: need to explain purpose a bit clearer in the document. cf. discussion with Takao.


Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force

Internationalization is an architecture. 
It is not a feature.

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 18:39:47 UTC