Re: 4.7.5 I-008: Locale Sensitive Formatted Data in SOAP Fault Messages

Actually I prefer j23n to JITXL, unless you mean j22n. :-P

So, sorry but I can't tell what exactly you're proposing here, Addison.  Are you 
proposing a fault message structure, or a set of fixed fault messages, or both?

My comment is that fixed messages are a very rocky road.  I remember peripheral 
discussions on doing something like that for SMTP and LDAP (I think). 
Contentious and not productive.  Relative to other things one could spend one's 
time one, I suspect it's not worth it.


Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:

> Hm...
> That strikes me as a pretty fancy windmill to tilt at... so what the heck.
> I agree that JITXL is a good thing that we want to promote. But I also
> recognize the problem inherent in "fixing" the Fault Reason text element.
> Let's take it in pieces.
> 1. Provide an HTTP-like numbering scheme. This could possibly work for errors
> on the provider level (indicating the types of faults that a SOAP processor
> can detect), but not for lower level faults generated within services or
> during invocation. At the provider level those all look the same: the service
> failed. But at the service level there are all manner of possibilities (e.g.
> insert list of all Java classes that are 'instanceof Throwable' here).
> 2. Provide structured messages. Actually, there is such a mechanism in WSDL
> and SOAP. It's the Interface Fault in WSDL, that is, a message that a service
> can send back with any structure you can describe with XML that is indicative
> of a fault within the service. Really this is what should be defined for any
> expected errors a service may emit (that is, if you write the service in Java
> and the method definition includes the keyword 'throws', then there should be
> an interface fault defined for each exception the method can throw and it can
> be JITXL in form, if only the developer can be induced to design it that
> way--enter WS-I18N with support for knowing what the ultimate and
> intermediary client locales are).
> 3. Provide for the unexpected. This leaves the odd messages (Classloading
> issues, NullPointerExceptions, abends of all types) that generate faults not
> mapped to Interface Faults and which the Provider must handle somehow. Since
> the type isn't known in advance it may not even be possible to resolve the
> message to anything except a string.
> I can't tell you how much effort I've expended at webMethods getting
> developers to wrap all kinds of basic exception classes with JITXL wrappers
> (for example, in JMS all exceptions take a (message) string as a constructor
> argument, so you have to be clever to wrap the exceptions up cleanly). This
> is where our friend the Fault Reason text element comes in. If your services
> and provider support JITXL, you want to take client (and intermediary's)
> locale preferences and use them to resolve the exception to a human readable
> string when you do the 'catch'. But I don't see a super complex mechanism
> here, since generally it is too late to extract the information necessary (in
> a catch the original data structure is gone--buried in the service's thread
> of execution, whereas you're in the Provider's code at this point).
> References:
> Addison P. Phillips Director, Globalization Architecture webMethods |
> Delivering Global Business Visibility Chair, W3C
> Internationalization (I18N) Working Group Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services
> Task Force
> Internationalization is an architecture. It is not a feature.
>> -----Original Message----- From: Mark Davis [] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:46 AM To:;
>> andrea.vine@Sun.COM; I18n WSTF; Martin Duerst Subject: Re: 4.7.5 I-008:
>> Locale Sensitive Formatted Data in SOAP Fault Messages
>> Let's play blue-sky with that idea a bit. If the error message is 
>> structured, *and* contains enough information that a further translation
>> could still transform it, then we would have as much information as
>> possible. It could be translated without loss of information, so that it
>> could be further translated if necessary. Let's take a more complicated
>> one:
>> Service A doesn't have the ability to localize for anything, just emits
>> English, but with enough structure to recompose. In this case, it does know
>> the user's locale (some services might not, so the goalLang might be added
>> later.
>> <message xml:lang='en-US' id='dateToLate' goalLang='de-CH'>The date
>> provided, <data xsi:type="xsd:date" seq='1' 
>> value='2201-11-12'>11/12/2201</data>, was too late for the <data
>> xsi:type="xsd:number" seq='2' value='1234'>1,234</data> file(s). </message>
>> Service B can get it to German
>> <message xml:lang='de' id='dateToLate'>Fuer die <data xsi:type="xsd:number"
>> seq='2' value='1234'>1.234</data> Datei war das eingegebene Datum, <data
>> xsi:type="xsd:date" seq='1' value='2201-11-12'>12.11.2001</data>, zu spa"t.
>>  </message>
>> Service C can get it to Swiss German (just for illustration, since you'd
>> use writing German -- and my Swiss is really rusty)
>> <message xml:lang='de' id='dateToLate'>Fuer d' <data xsi:type="xsd:number"
>> seq='2' value='1234'>1.234</data> datei isch 's datum wo du iigaa haesh, 
>> <data xsi:type="xsd:date" seq='1' value='2201-11-12'>12.11.2001</data>, z'
>> schpoot gsi. </message>
>> There are still a number of things missing from this. - as you say, one may
>> want a URL for the messages. If that is the case, then you really would
>> just translate at the end, however, not along the way. - one may want to
>> allow parts to be translated along the way, thus putting the current lang
>> and desired lang on each item - the equivalent of a 
>> l could
>> be used so that the singular/dual/plural (etc) forms of words could be used
>> in accordance with numeric variables.
>> Mark __________________________________ ►
>> शिष्यादिच्छेत्पराजयम् ◄
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Duerst" <> To:
>> <>; "Mark Davis" <>; 
>> <andrea.vine@Sun.COM>; "I18n WSTF" <> Sent: Tue, 2004
>> Apr 13 20:12 Subject: RE: 4.7.5 I-008: Locale Sensitive Formatted Data in
>> SOAP Fault Messages
>>> Some points here:
>>> First, I think just in time localization (actually late localization) is
>>> great, and should be done wherever possible. However, changing texts to
>>> translated versions (message localization) and formatting various kinds
>>> of values may behave differently on a network, and may therefore (have to
>>> be) localized at different places.
>>> I have discussed this in my 'World Wide Localization' paper in Prague
>>> ( See in particular "3.5
>>> Message Translation". While the client in almost all cases will have code
>>> to format e.g. dates to his/her liking, the chance that all the strings
>>> for all the applications the client is interacting with are available on
>>> the client is not very high. This applies in general, but in many ways
>>> even more so for faults, because they are usually unexpected,
>>> system-dependent messages.
>>> From our point of view, the ideal would be to have a list of fixed error
>>> codes (such as e.g. in HTTP). I think the general opinion on this in the
>>> SOAP community is that no list of codes whatsoever could be
>>> comprehensive, and that therefore it was/is better to not even try. In
>>> view of localization issues, we might have to make them try harder.
>>> Another problem for JIT Localization is that while it can potentially
>>> reduce language/locale negotiation, it may introduce another kind of
>>> negotiation on a higher level: negotiating where the localization should
>>> be done. For formatting, that may not be necessary, but for message
>>> localization, it may well be. This would be a general problem, but for
>>> faults in particular, any kind of additional negotiation or network
>>> activity is a bad thing, because the fault may be due to a network
>>> problem in the first place.
>>> An alternative to simple error numbers would be more structured error
>>> formats. Do we need such a format? Would it help? Could it be used in
>>> other contexts? Are there similar formats already out there?
>>> Mark gave a very simple example:
>>>>> <error>someFault</error> <date>2004-04-14</date> 
>>>>> <numberOfPages>1400</numberOfPages>
>>> I guess here 'someFault' may be an error number or a text. For an error
>>> number, would it be better to have e.g. an URI that points to a
>>> repository of localized messages, or some other indirection or identifier
>>> that allows world-wide uniqueness? For a text, would it be good to have a
>>> format that distinguishes text and data, e.g. like such:
>>> <message xml:lang='en'>The date provided, <data xsi:type="xsd:date"
>>> seq='1'>2201-11-12</data>, was too late.</message>
>>> (the 'seq' attribute would serve to identify different data items, which
>>> might be in different order in translated text).
>>> An example for a translated text format could then look like:
>>> <message-translation xml:lang='de'>Das eigegebene Datum, 
>>> <data-substitution seq='1' />, war zu spa"t.</message-translation>
>>> Of course this is just a draft for a very simplified example.
>>> Regards,    Martin.
>>> At 21:22 04/04/12 -0700, Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:
>>>> I agree in general, Mark, but that's not the design of Web Services.
>>>> This is something we have been at pains to point out: Faults (the Web 
>>>> Service equivalent of a runtime error or exception) can only generate a
>>>>  text message, not a complex type (data structure) in the SOAP
>> provided XML
>>>> structure. These scenarios are our way of complaining about it (we 
>>>> corresponded about this previously, I think).
>>>> For example, a given service can have several "outbound"
>> messages, some of
>>>> which indicate success and some of which indicate an error of some kind
>>>>  (such as input out of range or record not found). These responses are 
>>>> under programmatic control of the service, please note, and
>> can follow the
>>>> pattern you describe in JITXL.
>>>> By contrast, a Fault is a runtime exception. It may be literally and 
>>>> exception thrown in the body of the service or it may be an error 
>>>> condition detected in the Provider (such as "service not found" or 
>>>> "malformed input"). As Andrea points out, Faults are different
>> from SOAP
>>>> messages indicating an error, because they can contain only a Reason 
>>>> element (a text element containing the human readable message).
>>>> In other words, the design of Web Services is such that all Faults are 
>>>> resolved to string where they occur at the level they occur.
>>>> What you're describing is a service that ends normally and returns a 
>>>> processing-controlled error. This can be done with Web Services and we 
>>>> should probably add a scenario showing it.
>>>> However, abnormal ends such as a thrown exception or an error
>> detected at
>>>> the Provider (rather than service) level--that is, errors not under 
>>>> control of the service's normal processing--are forced to
>> return a Fault
>>>> and these must be resolved to a natural language string as shown in the
>>>>  example at the level at which they occur. The string must be
>> marked with
>>>> xml:lang (yay!), but there is no default message, data structuring, or 
>>>> language negotiation provided. Hence the scenarios including
>> I-008 and I-022.
>>>> Does that describe the problem more clearly?
>>>> Addison P. Phillips Director, Globalization Architecture webMethods |
>>>> Delivering Global Business Visibility Chair,
>>>> W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web
>>>> Services Task Force
>>>> Internationalization is an architecture. It is not a feature.
>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: 
>>>>> []On Behalf Of Mark Davis Sent:
>>>>> Monday, April 12, 2004 7:11 PM To: andrea.vine@Sun.COM; I18n WSTF 
>>>>> Subject: Re: 4.7.5 I-008: Locale Sensitive Formated Data in
>> SOAP Fault
>>>>> Messages
>>>>> I disagree with this assessment. We all agree that the error message
>>>>> -- when presented to the reader -- should be localized. Thus the
>> user should see:
>>>>>> * "The date provided, 12 November 2201, was too late." * "The
>>>>>> argument 12345.678 was too large." * "The argument 12345,678- was
>>>>>> too small."
>>>>> However, *where* the localization should be done is not so simple. It
>>>>> should be closest point to the user where enough information is
>>>>> available to formulate the message.
>>>>> Thus Service A (where the error is generated) may not actually have
>>>>> any locale information available. It might then simply send back
>> something like:
>>>>> "Use MessageFormat string associated with someFault, plus data (in
>>>>> unlocalized form, e.g. XMLSchema datatypes):
>>>>> ... <error>someFault</error> <date>2004-04-14</date> 
>>>>> <numberOfPages>1400</numberOfPages> ...
>>>>> This message hops from Service to Service until it gets to one that
>>>>> knows (a) what the end recipient's locale is, and (b) what the
>> MessageFormat string
>>>>> associated with someFault for that locale is.
>>>>> For more info, see 
>>>>> localization.html
>>>>> Mark

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
-Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 14:04:31 UTC