Re: Can HTTP content-type charset disagree with its contents XML encoding?

A few weeks ago, I sent out a question to
under this subject.  The question was, when sending out XML over HTTP,
whether it is legal to put a different encoding in HTTP Content-Type; charset=
thatn that in the encoding attribute of the XML declaration, and if so, which
encoding should be applied in interpreting the XML packet.

To this posting, Chris Lilley <mailto:>replied, which I quote in the bottom.
He essentially says
(1) Best practice is to use the media type application/xml without charset attribute
(2) Currently, having conflicting declarations is legal and the charset declared in HTTP 
      header should be used.
(3) He agrees this is a bad practice should be prohibited.

I wonder if the member of WS Task Force agree with this opinion,
and if we need to take any further action.

Quotes from Chris' reply follow:
KT> (1) Is this legal?

Unfortunately yes. Its a really bad idea, because the message
immediately becomes not well formed as soon as the http headers go

KT> (2) If it is legal, which declaration is supposed to wins? I.e. should
KT> the contents be in UTF-8 encoding or Shift_JIS encoding in this
KT> example?

The http headers win.
KT> Could you be so kind to quote the relevant sections of XML and HTTP spec ?
KT> XML spec does not seem to address this situation to me.

The XML spec defers to the mime registration for the XML media type.
It is in that specification that the precedence is defined (and other
unfortunate things, such as a mandatory default of US-ASCII when no
charset is provided in the HTTP, regardless of what the XML encoding
declaration says).

This is very bad. As a member of the TAG I find this very broken,
architecturally speaking. Tim Bray agrees, and I have proposed wording
in the architecture document that spells this out.

There are know problems with charset in the text/* media types, such
as a mandatory fallback to text/plain;charset=us-ascii. The solution
is to deprecate text/xml and have a charset-free application/xml,
using the nicely defined xml mechanism to declare the encoding in all
circumstances, rather than dragging the problems from text/* into the
hitherto unaffected other media types.

KT> Anyway, shouldn't this practice be explicitly forbidden for any types of
KT> contents (HTML, XML etc.) that have their own mechanism of encoding 
KT> identification?

Yes, of course it should. I am glad that you agree

T. "Kuro" Kurosaka, Internationalization Architect
IONA Technologies, Santa Clara, CA USA / +1 408 350-9684 
Visit for up-to-date i18n information. (IONA Internal)

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2003 14:38:13 UTC