WS-Arch scenario Review Activity

I have just posted a document to the website to keep track of who is 
working on which of the WS-Architecture usage scenarios. It's here:

Anyone may sign up to review a scenario. If you do, please be prepared 
to SUBMIT your initial working document by Tuesday, 23 April 2003.

More than one (non-member) person may work on the same scenario.

WSTF Members:

Please send email showing which four or five scenarios you intend to 
work on so I can fill out the table with our names.

"Working Document" Submissions:

You may submit your work either as an HTML document (these may be saved 
from Word or some other more complext format, if you choose) by emailing 
it to me ( and copying Martin ( 
or by just sending email to the list ( I will 
post HTML documents submitted and point to them in the table. I will add 
links from the table to the mail archive if you choose the latter route.

Thanks in advance,

Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc.

+1 408.962.5487
Internationalization is an architecture. It is not a feature.

Chair, W3C I18N WG Web Services Task Force

Received on Monday, 31 March 2003 18:21:12 UTC