Re: [Reminder] WSTF Teleconference TOMORROW

Hello Addison, others,

I'm really very sorry that this comes at such a late notice,
but I'm suffering from a heavy cold, and my voice is virtually
unusable. I'm sorry, but I'm sending my regrets for today's
teleconf. I'm looking forward to see many of you next week.

Regards,   Martin.

At 11:51 03/03/17 -0800, Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:

>W3C-I18N-WG Web Services TF teleconference [WSTF]
>Bridge   : +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim) with conference code 4186 (spells "I18N")
>Duration : 60 minutes
>Day      : Tuesday
>Dates    : 18 March 2003
>Start    : 23:00 GMT, 18:00 Eastern, 15:00 Pacific, 08:00 Tokyo (next day!)
>Zakim information    :
>Zakim bridge monitor :
>Zakim IRC bot        :
>This meeting was rescheduled from the 25th to tomorrow, 18 March.
>This will be an important meeting to attend. We have the following topics 
>on tap:
>1. Presentation at the IUC, including distribution of Usage Scenarios 
>2. Reschedule of this meeting in April (to deal with daylight saving 
>time/summer time adjustment)
>3. Discussion of Usage Scenarios document progress.
>A full agenda will follow this email.
>Talk to you then.
>Best Regards,
>Addison P. Phillips
>Director, Globalization Architecture
>webMethods, Inc.
>+1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
>Internationalization is an architecture.
>It is not a feature.
>Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
>To participate see

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 17:50:31 UTC